What to do with AI Models? Stock options or revenue share for AI models?

Eduard Ruzga
3 min readJan 26, 2023
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

I was watching this video over last week

And skimmed this article today https://betterprogramming.pub/response-to-open-source-creative-generative-ai-e83a5d66e335

They are nice overviews of the debate.

I do not want to go trough multiple rabbit holes that one can go trough but I do want to add something to this debate. Something from economical point of view. How to make it a sourec of value for anyone involved.


Its based on these assumptions:
1. AI Models can create a lot of value
2. They can create a lot of inequality if locked behind some kinds of monopoly, including copyrights
3. Technology is out and we can not put it back, only force it out of public eye and transparent use
4. AI is built on top of human knowledge, and becomes minimal level of competency needed to be competitive, thus access to it becomes comparable to access to internet, something neighbouring a human right

True source of problem

That everyone who contributed does not get their fair share of this value

On whose work is it made?

Software developers?
Hardware providers?
Entrepreneurs?(organized people and money to make it happen)
Share holders of companies?(invested money so that company can do this)

And who is getting paid?

OpenAI? StabilityAI? Midjourney? Microsoft/Google/Amazon on whose data centers this things learned and runs? Hardware providers like Nvidia who make and sell hardware that cloud providers buy?

One can argue that there are researchers and scientists whose work was used but they did not get their share as they do not work in OpenAI and similar companies.
But artists did not get anything even though they contributed.

Fair share

I think this is becuase an economic models is not in place for making this work.
What if everyone who contributed to those models got a share. So that from each dollar that is paid a fraction is paid to everyone who contributed. Yes for single artists that would be billionths of a cent per image. But with millions of images generated each day that would amount to something.
Ideally if you put more works in to the system you would get more shares. Now its very hard to figure out how to compare shares/contributions of researches, entrepreneurs, developers, hardware providers and artists.

Billion dollars idea

Now imagine of there was a company which was exchanging submission to data set for tokens or shares. And each time company recieves money it devides part of it between those shares. And there are multple competig companies like that? Trough this competition, value they provide, quality of their model and product they recive publci interest. And trough that they bargain balance of each dollar, what % do they earn adn what % do artists get. And artists can decide to which company/data set provide their work for shares and to which not. And provide it to multiple companies at once.

In theory this could create an efficiency of creativity humanity never had. Those data sets can decide how novel submitted work is. Or if it is an reinvention of bicycle and does not contribute anything worth a share to pre-exiting state of art. So that we all focus on moving art forward instead of going in circles.

What do you think?



Eduard Ruzga

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers — Carl Sagan