Letter to my subscribers + a question

Eduard Ruzga
1 min readOct 25, 2023


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Dall-E 3 and Leonardo.ai

Hey awesome human!

You hit the subscribe button on my account in the past, and that made my day to see new subscribers. 😊

Quick question: what made you click that button? I’m super curious!

Was it my articles, titles, topics, or the replies I leave on some articles? How did you find me, and why did you click subscribe?

Why am I asking? Cause knowing more means writing stuff that’s up your alley. More bang for your read, sorta thing. But it’s also my growing appreciation for asking people directly when creating something for them. Be it a product, meal, or an article. You can imagine anything about your ‘customers,’ but that will only be imaginary. It will never be real. Nothing can substitute for asking a real human being, which is you!

So, I invite you to share your story. How did we cross paths? What compelled you to click, and what do you enjoy reading from me? Here’s what I’m curious about:

  • How did you discover my page?
  • What made you decide to subscribe?
  • Which topics or articles do you enjoy the most?

Your insights are incredibly valuable, and I’m all eyes and ears for your feedback!

With gratitude,
Eduards Ruzga



Eduard Ruzga

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers — Carl Sagan